2024 - Sex Tech Business & Wellbeing Index Report

Welcome to the 2024 Sex Tech Business & Wellbeing Index!

Calling all sex tech industry members! Share your insights to shape the future of the industry and support fellow founders. Register now to contribute your experiences and gain exclusive access to the report findings. Let’s drive positive change together!

How do you identify your gender?
Please select the category of your product/service from the following options:
Company size:
Funding: (Please provide details if you have previously raised funds for your project)
How challenging has it been to secure funding for your sex tech startup? (1-10)
Investor Relationships: (Please provide details if you have previously raised funds for your project)
How satisfied are you with your relationship with your current investors?
Have your investors provided valuable support or guidance beyond financial backing?
Which challenges do you find most pertinent for the sex tech business?
How would you rate the overall organization and structure of your project?
Company Structure
How would you describe the relationship dynamics among the co-founders of your startup? (if applicable)
Does your sex tech project serve as your primary source of income?
Please indicate the usefulness of the following resources for you and your project
How do you currently promote your sex tech products or services?
Mental Health & Work Balance
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you describe the stress or pressure you experience as a founder of a sex tech startup?
On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate the following
How much does your work affect your personal life?
Satisfaction with earnings from your project
Satisfaction with the effects of your work
Satisfaction with being in the sex tech industry
Are you currently feeling burdened by work
Frequency of feeling anxious about the future of your project
Desire to continue your project
Are you currently seeking a new job or permanent position?
Are you currently seeking new ideas for business ventures?
Future Plans
Are you planning to scale or expand your sex tech startup in the coming year?